L.E.A.R.N membership believes that every student across the nation deserves access to learning environments that promote safety, access, innovation, health and sustainability. These five categories provide a framework to inform educational leaders and their partners in the design community on how best to provide rich opportunities and experiences for our students and those who work with them daily. Please review the LEARN Wheel for an overview of how our research and resources are organized for you. Bringing together a network of education leaders, education partners and researchers, L.E.A.R.N is excited to help districts build actionable strategies that will significantly improve the lives and learning of the children they serve.
David Vroonland Ed.D
Recommended Research

Mitra, D. & Serriere, S. (2012) Student Voice in Elementary School Reform: Examining Youth Development in Fifth Graders
This incredible case study tells the story of “the Salad Girls,” six fifth-grade girls who change the traditional salad served at their school lunch.

Evans, M. & Boucher, A. (2015) Optimizing the Power of Choice: Supporting Student Autonomy to Foster Motivation and Engagement in Learning
An extensive literature review on studies on student voice with recommendations that can be implemented K-12.

Hamilton, B. (2022) The Learner First- Contributive Learning
Contributive Learning" seamlessly blends academic & socio-emotional learning & equips educators to address students' educational and well-being needs.

Hahnel, C. & Pearman II, F. (2023) Declining Enrollment, School Closures, and Equity Considerations
This article underscores the critical need for racial equity in the process of school closures, revealing how such decisions disproportionately impact students of color.

Kahne, J., et al. Is responsiveness to student voice related to academic outcomes? Strengthening the rationale for student voice in school reform.
Authentically responding to student voice supports citizenship and academic outcomes